So if you follow our twitter (@gingerskyltd) you’ll have seen me break the news this week that Ginger Sky is not going to be trading in time for Christmas. I had been hoping to start in November which would have given me enough time for the Christmas rush but unfortunately that is not going to happen now. While it would have been great to start with the holiday period this is not the end of the world, just one more challenge that I have to overcome.
After such a positive post last week and a lot of hard work this week it is slightly disappointing to have to break the news. I mentioned last week that I had visited a suitable storage site, this week I reserved a unit and next week I’m going to meet with them to get my hands on the keys. This is a huge weight off my mind as this had been proving to be a problem area for me but with this now looking like it should be sorted I was feeling confident of getting Ginger Sky up and running asap, and then came Wednesday.
On Wednesday I met with my web design team (@Getextra) to go over the plans for my website. I’d already met with them a couple of times and was really excited to get back together with them and really get things moving. I was even more excited when the vision I have for the site was taken on board and met with excitement from them too. I had been having problems getting over what I wanted to other people but Get Extra really got it. Unfortunately this is where the downside came. Because the site I wanted is not just a stock site, I want something different and something unique, it is going to take longer than planned to get this sorted.
Now please don’t think I’m trying to blame Get Extra for this, far from it. I really want the site to look how it does in my head and I’m willing to wait that extra month or two to make sure it does. I mean after all, the site is the face of the business, so it is important that it is right and gives the right first impression. The impression I’m looking for is fun, quirky and unique, and I understand that this takes time to achieve. On the plus side, the site is now in development so things are starting to take shape. I’ll post some screenshots when I have them.
Another positive is that by having extra time before I start trading, I also have extra time to raise funds for the initial launch. I’ll have to manage it well but it might now mean I can have a couple more product lines in time for the launch of the site. I’ll keep you posted over the coming weeks on how this is going, the trick will be to get ones that compliment the products I already have. (I have a couple of ideas but don’t want to give away too much just yet).
After all that, this week has been another tough one, but then I never expected otherwise when I started out on this journey. I’m still very focussed on what I want to achieve from this and most importantly I can still say that I am not making any compromises that I am not comfortable with (which would not have been the case if I’d rushed my website to launch in time for Christmas). With each challenge I become more determined to get through it and I hope you all stick around too.
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