Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Recipe: Spicy Chorizo Soup

A zingy, spicy soup that’s full of flavour

This recipe is a personal favourite of mine and makes enough to cover a couple of working lunches through the week or you can always freeze any extra for later use. The chorizo and the curry powder really give this soup a good kick while it maintains bundles of flavour.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Ginger Sky Update - March

It’s been a while since I’ve given an update on how things are going here at Ginger Sky so I’m going to do just that now. Last time I updated you I’d just been to Spring Fair International and the plan from there was to review all the brochures and information I’d picked up at the NEC.
Since then I have drawn up a shortlist of the products I am going to order. This was no small task given the size of the event at Spring Fair. I met loads of great suppliers with loads of great products to offer, so choosing which ones to focus on did take a lot of consideration. I have now settled on a good mix of products that compliment each other and fit the mission statement of Ginger Sky which is to provide fun, quirky and unique kitchenware and gadgets. I’ll be ordering my selected products over the next couple of weeks so stick around to find out what I’ll be stocking come launch day.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Mentoring the Next Generation

I’ve been fortunate during my time working for Esteem in Hull in that they have given me great opportunities and fantastic support while setting up Ginger Sky Ltd. One of these opportunities is sharing my experiences with the next generation of entrepreneurs through Young Enterprise.

Young Enterprise are a business and enterprise charity helping over 200,000 young people every year in the UK. Their mission is to “inspire and equip young people to learn and succeed through enterprise.” By focussing on learning by doing Young Enterprise are able to offer an alternative method of preparing the UK’s youth for the world of business.