Saturday 29 September 2012

Oh, So Busy

This week has been another manic one in the life of Ginger Sky. The closer we get to launching the website the busier things get, and still got so much to do. Having views like this from the bottom of my street every morning really helps.
Ginger Sky Ltd
In this past week I've contacted suppliers and storage facilities to keep in touch and arrange meetings. I've researched and decided on the logistics of how to ship items to customers and have sourced packaging and postage solutions. And that's just the Ginger Sky part of the week, I've also attended a hen party, a celebratory evening for Building Schools for the Future in Hull and a gala, as well as my regular zumba sessions. Needless to say I am a little worn out. One of the things that took longer than it should have was preparing the first recipe for the site, starting making it and my camera broke, urh! Managed to borrow one so I could finish the dish, hope you find it tasty if you try it.

Now, anyone who knows me knows I love my to-do lists, I even have lists of to-do lists at times. This coming week’s list is chocker full again. I’ve managed to set up some viewings for storage sites, hopefully have something sorted out before next weekend.

Next on the list is to firm up which products to launch the site with. As soon as I’ve firmed up the products and which site to use as storage I’ll be ordering my first lot of stock. I had been hoping to have had the first ones ordered already but I had some delays in getting funds into the Ginger Sky account so that side of things is a little behind schedule.

Also on the list for this week is to finalise the website, need to organise a get together with my web designer to sure up the look and feel of it. Will post some screen shots as soon as I have them.

Coming Up

When things are ready we’re going to launch with a dozen or so products (depending on which suppliers I can get on board). The plan is to gradually grow the number of products on the site over the months and years. We’ve also got plans aside from the site, there are a few ideas in the mix for designing our own products here at Ginger Sky. Also looking into the possibility of hosting parties, but don’t want to give away too much just yet, need to firm up the details and see if they are going to be a viable long term plan.

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