Sunday 2 December 2012

BBC Good Food Show

This week the winter edition of the BBC Good Food Show was on in Birmingham and I had a ticket for the Friday.

It is this type of event that helped get me into the innovative and unique world of the kitchen that then led to starting up with Ginger Sky. I love seeing creative people put their take on classic dishes and creating new and wonderful flavours. This year Gino Di Campo was my favourite, his passion for what he does is infectious and really brings the flavours to life. Special mention also has to go to The Brownie Bar UK (, visited their stall and have got to say their brownies are fantastic.
Ginger Sky Ltd
Me meeting Gino
As well as the flavours, these events are great for the techniques that the chefs use to get their flavours and their presentation. This, along with my love of gadgets, really inspired me to try their recipes and my own experiments at home, but getting my hands on some of the unique and fun gadgets they use was not always easy. This is where Ginger Sky comes in, I can hunt down all the great kitchen gadgets and make them available for everyone to get their hands on.

I’ve been going to events like this for a good few years now, especially as I can now do it in the name of research. The BBC Good Food Show is definitely up there as one of my favourite events, alongside things like The London coffee Festival. It is getting to that time of year when there are some great Christmas festivals on as well, check out those around Yorkshire here

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