Monday 17 December 2012


This week I'm hijacking my own blog to do a little research into my marketing and how effective the different types are.
Ginger Sky Ltd
Ginger Sky has been in my head for over a year now since the first seeds of the idea were sown. Since then I have been growing the roots of the company, making sure that everything is in place to sprout and grow in 2013. One of the biggest tasks facing any entrepreneur is getting the idea out of their own head and into others.

This is where marketing comes in, and over the last few months I have been using various marketing techniques and channels to try and spread the word of Ginger Sky. Building a following of potential customers prior to launch will give a good foundation to growing the business, as well as being a lot of fun in the process. As well as potential customers, this period has been great for building a network of contacts across the business world, especially in Hessle, Hull and East Yorkshire. This proves invaluable for things such as finding resources, exchanging ideas/advice and getting the Ginger Sky name spread across the region.

With all of this in mind I am looking to do a bit of a review of how my marketing strategy is going and would appreciate your help. On the right hand side of this page there is now a quick survey just asking how you found out about Ginger Sky and my blog, if you could take a few seconds to let me know your answer that would be really helpful. If you would like to leave your thoughts or ideas about marketing please feel free to comment on this entry.

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