Sunday 9 December 2012

Christmas is Coming

Christmas is a little over 2 weeks away, I hope you are all suitable excited, I know I am. I love this time of year and try to take in as many festivals as I can, last week I was at the Winter BBC Good Food Show, York’s Christmas market and today have been to the Festival of Christmas in Beverley. With a couple of weeks left I’m still hoping to get to Leeds, Sheffield and, of course, Hull.

While I have been visiting festivals for years, this time I have an ulterior motive. The main point of sale for Ginger Sky is going to be the website (which I’ll have an update on shortly) but I’m also looking into alternative selling opportunities. With this in mind, next year I’ll be looking at taking the opportunity festivals and markets give to set up pop-up stalls.

Pop-ups give a great temporary chance to promote and sell products to a specific audience. As they are temporary, location is vital when deciding to commit to a pop-up and making sure the products fit the event can also help maximise sales opportunities. In preparation for next year I’m visiting as many events as I can this year, getting a feel for them and whether Ginger Sky would fit with their style.

I’m always looking for new ways to reach customers so the plan is to do events throughout the year as and when the opportunities arise, not just Christmas. I also think it’s important not to restrict Ginger Sky to just having an online presence so the more suitable events I can find the better. Once I start trading, around Easter 2013, follow me on twitter @GingerSkyLtd for updates for when and where I’ll be appearing.

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