Monday 19 November 2012

GEW: Review

Global Entrepreneurship Week is over for another year and what a week it was. Loads of great events, not just here in the UK, but all over the world, and loads of great advice being passed on. There is still time for you to leave your feedback on the week here
Sharing my experiences with you all has really helped me see how far I have gone on my journey already with Ginger Sky. Reflecting on past challenges and how I have overcome them has given me a new perspective on current and future challenges. Knowing that I have achieved so much in a short period gives me even greater confidence to make a success out of Ginger Sky. I hope you can take as much away from this week as I have been able to and that you have been inspired to embark on your own enterprising journey.

If you would like to continue to read about my story and/or are interested in some fun and unique kitchen gadgets then stick around. I will be blogging every week about the business journey along with some tasty recipes for you to try out. Why not follow the blog by clicking the link on the right of this page. You can also follow me on Twitter (@GingerSkyLtd) and watch out for my Facebook page coming in the new year.

Before I go I need to thank a couple of people for making this week happen. First of all the friends and family that helped me develop my ideas, @GEWUK for putting on such a great week in the first place, and last, but by no means least, I would like to thank Owl & Pussycat Creative for a fantastic interview to round the week off.

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